9th Judicial Circuit of Florida,
Court Administration ………………………………………. 407-836-2050
9th Judicial Circuit of Florida,
Court Administration ………………………………………. 407-836-2050
9th Judicial Circuit of Florida ………………………….. 407-836-2206
425 N. Orange Ave., Orlando, FL 32801
Court Administration ………………………………………. 407-836-2206
823 W. Central Blvd., Orlando, FL 32805 …………… 407-836-8800
9th Judicial Circuit of Florida ………………………….. 407-897-2800
2800 S. Bumby Ave., Orlando, FL 32806
9th Judicial Circuit of Florida ………………………….. 407-836-7590
2000 E. Michigan St., Orlando, FL 32806
Family Counseling Program ……………………………. 407-254-9370
1728 E. Michigan St., Orlando, FL 32806