Orange County Steps Up Pedestrian Safety with Walk-Ride-Thrive!

Community & Services Public Health & Safety

Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs recently launched Walk-Ride-Thrive!, a pedestrian safety initiative that focuses on creating an environment where local residents, businesses and visitors are able to enjoy safer pedestrian and biking options.

As Orange County grows and becomes more populated, traffic congestion has spiked, which increases the risk for pedestrian accidents. According to recent statistics, the Metro Orlando region has become one of the most dangerous cities for pedestrians in the country.

“These statistics – which represent real people – are simply unacceptable,” Mayor Jacobs said. “We must protect our most precious assets – our children and citizens – and launch this concerted effort to make our streets safer for everyone.”

In addition to the Mayor’s Walk-Ride-Thrive! initiative, Orange County Government has collaborated with other regional entities, including MetroPlan Orlando, the Florida Department of Transportation and Best Foot Forward. Together ongoing safety initiatives are implemented to establish and maintain a coordinated, comprehensive and consistent response to Orange County’s pedestrian and bicycle safety issues.

Over the next five years, $15 million from the INVEST in Our Home for Life initiative will be allocated for pedestrian safety and intersection improvements, providing sidewalks, crosswalks, signals, turn lanes, updated signage and other vital safety enhancements for citizens.

“Roads will be designed with all users in mind,” Orange County Transportation Planning Manager Renzo Nastasi said. “So whether people are in a car, on a bike or on their feet, they can have peace of mind knowing their local roadways were created with their safety in mind.”

Mayor Jacobs is also participating in the United States Department of Transportation’s Mayor’s Challenge for Safer People, Safer Streets, which aims to make roads more pedestrian and bike-friendly by incorporating safe and convenient walking and biking facilities in transportation projects.

“We’re honored to be working alongside other state, regional and local entities in order to address pedestrian safety concerns,” Mayor Jacobs said. “We want our community to be safe in every way, and there’s a lot to look forward to in 2016 and beyond when it comes to our roadways and pedestrian safety.”

In order to facilitate these goals, Orange County’s Walk-Ride-Thrive! pedestrian safety initiative will:

  • Address barriers to make streets safe and convenient for everyone
  • Improve roadways and complete routine roadway maintenance to help boost pedestrian and bicycle safety
  • Educate and enforce proper road use and behavior by all

As part of the initiative, Mayor Jacobs is encouraging local residents and visitors to make pedestrian improvement suggestions by calling 311 or using Orange County’s 311 smartphone mobile app. The app allows users to photograph, pinpoint and report problems — such as potholes and cracks in sidewalks — from their smartphone and send the information directly to Orange County’s 311 Service Center.

“Making roadways safer for everyone is something we need to work toward as a community,” the Mayor added. “We can’t achieve our pedestrian safety goals without the help of our community partners and the cooperation of our residents. The more we hear from local pedestrians, drivers and bike riders, the more effective we can be in improving the problem areas.”

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