Building Safety
Planning for the Future with Vision 2050
As Orange County prepares for the next 30 years, it must change the way it manages growth. This strategy for the future is laid...
Orange County Rolls Out Live Training and Extra Support for Permitting Services
Need a little extra help navigating Orange County’s online permitting system? A dedicated team of experts is here for you. On October 1, the...
Triple Milestone: Cheers to 40 Years of Service
It’s noteworthy when an employee reaches 40 years of public service. It’s remarkable when three employees in the same division celebrate the milestone together....
Avoid Scams After Disaster Strikes: Seek Licensed Contractor
Navigating the aftermath of a hurricane can be a lengthy and emotional process that includes evaluating damages and potential reconstruction. Unfortunately, during these challenging...
Orange County Government Division of Building Safety Hosts Building Safety Month Featuring Education and Events
Orange County Government takes a proactive stance toward building safety with a series of events and educational initiatives to celebrate Building Safety Month. Now...
Orange County’s “Dream Builders”: First-ever Conference Celebrates Team 400
Orange County issues roughly 81,000 vertical building permits a year — including projects small in scope, like a 150-square-foot addition to a single-family home,...
Buyer Beware: The Importance of Hiring Licensed Contractors and Avoiding Unpermitted Work
During the recovery period from a major storm, reports of unlicensed building activity and unpermitted work generally increase. Don’t fall victim to individuals that may...
Scam Alert: The Importance of Hiring Licensed Contractors
Unsuspecting consumers can be easy prey for unlicensed contractors, whose bids almost invariably come in lower than bids from licensed contractors. The strong appeal...
Orange County Spreads Awareness During Building Safety Month
Building Safety Month is an international campaign (supported by the International Code Council) that takes place in May to raise awareness about building code...