Florida City and County Management Association’s 2016 Conference Highlights Importance of Government and Citizen Partnerships
Municipal leaders from local governments across the state recently gathered at the Florida City and County Management Association’s (FCCMA) 2016 Annual Conference held at the Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista Walt Disney World Resort.
With more than 250 individuals in attendance, Mayor Jacobs kicked off the conference during the opening session by reflecting on the importance of partnerships between local elected officials, county and city managers and constituents in their communities.
“Having served as a commissioner for eight years and now as Mayor for Orange County, I have had the pleasure of working closely not only with our administrators and staff, but also the managers and administrators of surrounding counties and municipalities,” Mayor Jacobs said during her remarks. “From managing employees and budgets, to engaging in key issues like economic development, transportation, infrastructure, homelessness and everything in between, you all work tirelessly to ensure that the right decisions are made for the betterment of your communities.”
FCCMA is a professional organization of practicing public administrators throughout Florida’s local governments. This is the fourth year FCCMA’s annual conference has been held in Orange County.
The theme of this year’s conference, “Preparing the Next Generation,” encourages senior managers to focus on their role as developers of talent, emphasizing the rewards of their profession in public service. The organization hopes to inspire future managers to be more aware of the many opportunities available to further develop the skill sets of public administrators, civil servants and government employees.
The conference, held from June 1 through June 4, was comprised of workshops, relevant guest speakers, resume reviews, networking events and more.
FCCMA is committed to supporting and promoting the highest ethical and professional standards among county and city managers, providing education, support and growth opportunities and fostering community awareness of the critical issues of governance.
To view photos from the event, visit Mayor Jacobs’ Flickr album.