Making Spirits Bright: Mayor’s Toy Drive Wraps Up Another Successful Year
Thousands of Orange County children will experience the joy of unwrapping toys on Christmas Day, thanks to the generosity of residents, County employees and local businesses. The annual Orange County Mayor’s Toy Drive collected more than 9,750 donated toys and gifts for Orange County families this holiday season.
The toy drive is a much-anticipated event for many Orange County youth and family agencies and its success was imperative for those who are still recovering financially from the pandemic.
“The Orange County Mayor’s Toy Drive makes a difference in the lives of children whose families may need extra support this Christmas,” said Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings. “As a father and grandfather, I know that bringing joy to children is one of the greatest gifts that anyone can receive.”
The County collaborated with FOX 35 Care Force, University of Central Florida and Orlando sports teams to increase the awareness for community donations to the toy drive, which took place from November 15 through December 13. During that time, dozens of County employees rolled up their sleeves to help deliver, sort, and assemble toys at the County’s temporary holiday warehouse.
“I have seen the impact that these donations have had on the lives of others, especially during the pandemic,” said a staff member at the West Orange Neighborhood Centers for Families. “To see how happy the families are when they received the toys is truly rewarding.”
The toy drive has distributed some 65,000 toys since hosting its first event more than a decade ago, and added an online donation option last year. Donations benefit numerous local programs including Neighborhood Centers for Families, Wraparound Orange and Orange County Public Schools Kids’ Closet.
For more information about the Orange County Mayor’s Toy Drive, visit ocfl.net/ToyDrive.
Watch to see how thousands of gifts were delivered in time for the holidays.