Orange County is a Big Fan of Energy Conservation Efforts
Energy conservation has proven to be an effective way of saving money. For instance, data from Orange County’s Seniors Climate Efficiency Program found residents had an annual savings of $450 on their utility bills from weatherization and HVAC equipment upgrades.
Orange County has taken bold action on energy conservation efforts, which are outlined in its Sustainable Operations and Resilience Action Plan. The County’s goals are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 30 percent by 2030 and have 100 percent of its operations powered from clean energy by 2035, highlight its commitment to addressing climate change and becoming a leader in sustainability throughout the Southeast.
Whether for your business or home, you can make your own sustainability action plan and start saving money today. As you make replacements or identify areas for energy savings, you can take advantage of rebates and financing to help offset the cost and pay for improvements.
Duke Energy and Orlando Utilities Commission customers can learn about more ways they can save energy and money at your home by visiting their energy provider’s website. Additionally, the Inflation Reduction Act will also provide large discounts and rebates for both residential homes and businesses.
Considering purchasing solar? Reach out to Orange County community partner Solar United Neighbors to learn about your options. The County also partners with SELF, a program that offers financing options at a low interest rate for residents who may not be able to cover the up-front costs. The program focuses on home energy efficiency upgrades, renewable energy and climate resilience.
As we look forward to a more energy resilient future, Orange County has taken action to ensure its residents and internal operations are energy efficient. If you want to learn more, email sustainability@ocfl.net
Photo Caption (L to R): Lauri Gomez, Solar & Energy Loan Fund Program Director; Lori Forsman, Orange County Office of Sustainability and Resiliency Program Manager; Jerry L. Demings, Orange County Mayor; Carrie Black, Orange County Chief Sustainability and Resiliency Officer; Lavon Williams, Orange County Community and Family Services Deputy Director; Ben Paquin Orange County Community and Family Services Program Manager