Spring Festival and Battle of the Bands Brings Crowd to Barnett Park
Mayor Teresa Jacobs welcomed citizens and Orange County employees to the Second Annual Spring Festival and Battle of the Bands at Barnett Park in April 18. Each Battle of the Bands ensemble featured at least one county employee in the group. Participants included the Backyard Band, Low Bid Band, The Down Brothers Band, The Unreasonable Men, and Ritmo Y Sabor. After hours of entertainment, the judges made their decision and Mayor Jacobs and County Administrator Ajit Lalchandani presented the winning band, Ritmo Y Sabor, with the Mayor’s Cup. Diana Almodovar, manager of Orange County’s Development Engineering Division for the Public Works Department, said Ritmo Y Sabor has played together for about a year. The band includes her husband, John, sons Allen and Alex, nephews José and Emmanuel, and brother-in-law José, and other friends.