OC employee with sustainable community participant

Orange County Sustainable Community Workshop Engages Citizens


Orange County, FL– Our Sustainability Plan, known as “Our Home for Life,” continues our efforts to create a future in which Orange County will be known as the best place in the world to live, work, play and raise a family.

The purpose of the plan is to make Orange County a more prosperous, healthy, and livable community for current and future generations by addressing economic, environmental, social and cultural issues that enhance our quality of life.

On March 13, Orange County hosted the first of two community workshops to discuss the plan and to receive input from citizens on how we can make Orange County a better and more sustainable region for generations to come. The second workshop will also take place at our Orange County Government Administration Center, 201 S. Rosalind Ave., on Monday, April 7, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Those interested in attending may register at http://sustainableoccommunityworkshop.eventbrite.com.

During the initial workshop, citizens visited seven different stations, one for each of the focus areas for the plan including Arts & Culture, Built Environment, Civic Engagement, Community, Education, Mobility, and Natural Resources. Attendees interacted with members of the subcommittees that developed the draft goals and strategies for the plan. Additionally, many citizens registered for PlaceSpeak, an online town hall application that Orange County is utilizing to get feedback on elements of the draft plan.

“I really enjoyed the first section, where we visited the tables and learned about the different parts of the plan,” said Sharon Warner, a participant in the workshop. “We specifically were interested in sustainability in education and the arts.”

After visiting all of the stations, attendees were greeted by Lori Cunniff, deputy director for Orange County’s Community, Environmental, and Development Services Department. The audience members were then given keypad polling devices and an opportunity to respond to several questions relating to their own views on sustainability and their role in “Our Home for Life.”

Attendees listened to a presentation that provided a framework for thinking about sustainability. They also learned more about Orange County’s promotion of sustainability and the process for development of the community sustainability plan.

“We raised public awareness on the Mayor’s sustainability initiative,” said Cunniff after the event. “Based on comments from the public, it seems the Sustainability Committee’s work is on target.”

The workshops concluded with a final keypad polling session where citizens provided input on their own commitment to sustainability.

Citizens are encouraged to learn more about our Sustainability Plan, “Our Home for Life,” on our website, www.ochomeforlife.net.

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