Orange County Launches Electronic Master Building Permit Program
Orange County Division of Building Safety has launched a Master Building Permit Program, also known as the Masterfile review process, for residential single-family, two-family and townhome construction. The program takes advantage of the electronic plan review process, with the goal of increasing the efficiency and speed by which construction plans can be reviewed and approved for new construction. Additionally, the process drastically reduces paper consumption.
Under this program, an electronic master set of plans and supporting documents may be submitted for review electronically. Once approved, it may be used as the master set of plans for permitting and the construction of identical single-family, two-family or townhomes on a repetitive basis.
The creation of a Master Building Permit Program is authorized by Florida Statute 553.794. All Florida-licensed general, building or residential contractors may utilize this program, as long as they have a written acknowledgment from a design professional that the plans and documents in the application will be used for future site-specific permit applications.
Two builders have already submitted Masterfiles successfully under the pilot program. Lennar Homes is having great success using the program for single-family residences and is preparing submissions for townhomes. Pulte Homes has become the first to submit Masterfiles and gain approval for construction townhomes and is currently in the process of using the approved plans for site-specific building permits.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible for the program?
Florida licensed general, building and residential contractors.
When did the program begin?
The Orange County pilot Masterfile program for residential construction began in 2018, and the expansion of the program for townhomes started in 2019.
How does it help the development process?
It makes the process more efficient by saving time and money versus traditional paper submittal or single-site electronic submittal. This process drastically reduces the review time needed for each new building utilizing a pre-approved Masterfile.
If a builder is interested in participating in this program, how do they get started?
Email EPlanRes@ocfl.net to schedule a meeting. The submission will include digitally signed and sealed plans and supporting documents that would normally be required as part of a building permit application, along with a written acknowledgment from a design professional that the plans and documents in the application will be used for future site-specific building permit applications.
What plans and supporting documents should be submitted to create a Masterfile?
Foundation plan, floor plans, exterior elevations, roof framing plan, typical wall sections and applicable electrical, plumbing, fuel/gas and mechanical plans. Supporting documents include energy calculations, truss engineering and layout, and product approvals.
What model options can be included for master filing?
Limited options are allowed and should be discussed at a meeting with Division of Building Safety staff.
What information must be submitted for site-specific building permits once a Masterfile has been approved?
The Masterfile model name and number, an affidavit from the engineer of record affirming the mastered plans will conform to the soil conditions on the site, the site-specific survey or site plan, and any other information not included in the Masterfile.
For more information on the Master Building Permit Program, contact the Orange County Division of Building Safety at 407-836-5522.
Photo Caption: Orange County Plans Examiners Tracy Fair and Steve Delahaye review and approve electronic Masterfile.