“You Spoke—We Listened!” Over 19,000 Orange County Residents Weigh in on Transportation Survey Ahead of April 26, 2022 Commissioner Vote
On Tuesday, April 26, 2022, the Orange County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) will vote on whether to place a proposed one-cent sales tax increase on the fall ballot. Voters would then decide if they want a dedicated funding source for transportation needs in Orange County.
At least four affirmative votes from Commissioners are required for the Transportation Sales Tax Referendum to be on the November ballot.
Back in 2019, Orange County held over 200 community meetings and received nearly 11,000 survey responses and feedback on local transportation needs and priorities. With the pandemic placing transportation efforts on hold, Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings re-engaged residents in January by launching another online survey to make sure Orange County’s transportation priorities in 2022 aligned with the initial survey. As of this morning, April 25, 2022, more than 8,400 individuals responded to the updated survey.
Orange County residents and those who travel regularly in Orange County were encouraged to participate in transportation open houses and take the survey, in English, Spanish and Creole, at ocfl.net/transportation. The survey will close on April 25, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.
Key Findings: 2022 Transportation Survey (Full Results)
Respondent Ages:
- 53% — Age 25-54
- 42% — Age 55+
- 4% — Age 18-24
Top Modes of Transportation Used:
- 93% — Use car as main transportation
- 17% — Bike or walk
- 9% — Use LYNX or SunRail
Commute Time:
- 40% — Have under 30-minute commute
- 28% — Have 30-minutes to 1-hour
- 19% — Don’t work
Biggest Transportation Issues:
- 79% — Noted congestion as biggest problem
- 40% — Cost of commute
- 35% — Time of commute
Top Transportation Priorities:
- 57% — Believe “building mass transit” as top priority
- 48% — Believe “improving traffic signal timing” is top priority
- 42% — Want increased use of new technologies to improve transportation efficiency & safety
- 42% — Want maintenance and repair of existing roads
- 37% — Increased pedestrian safety
LYNX & SunRail:
- 81% — Never use LYNX
- 73% — Never use SunRail
- 46% — Want more convenient LYNX bus stops and routes
- 45% — Want LYNX increased access to more places
- 45% — Want LYNX to connect with SunRail
- 65% — Want SunRail weekend and evening service
- 55% — Want SunRail increased frequency and access to more places
- 49% — Want SunRail access to OIA
Level of Satisfaction with current transportation system:
- 33% — NOT at all satisfied
- 27% — Slightly satisfied
- 32% — Moderately satisfied
- 5% — Very satisfied
- 3% — Completely satisfied
If you are interested in providing public testimony during Tuesday’s BCC meeting, visit Orange County’s webpage for board appearances and public comment. Orange County Government reserves the right to modify, amend, or discontinue these temporary procedures for public comment, with or without notice, in order to ensure compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations; to rectify technological or logistical difficulties; or to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the public.
Residents can steam the BCC meeting live by visiting ocfl.net/OrangeTV, or tune in to Orange TV on Channel 488 on Spectrum, Channel 9 on Comcast, Channel 1081 on Century Link Prism TV, and Channel 10.2 on Digital Over the Air.
Photo Caption: Heat map of 2022 survey participants for the Orange County Transportation Initiative.