Orange County and Community Partners Honors All Vietnam Veterans for Their Service and Sacrifice | March 26, 2021
WHAT: The Vietnam Veterans Day Event this year will be at the Lake Baldwin VA Medical Center on Friday March 26, 2021, from 1-3pm. Join national dignitaries for a drive-thru recognition ceremony to thank and honor all U.S. Armed Forces Vietnam Era personnel with active-duty service.
The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration was initiated by President Barak Obama in 2012 and continues through 2025 to thank and honor our Vietnam Veterans and their families.
All Vietnam Veterans who served from November 1, 1955 through May 15, 1975 regardless of location will be eligible to receive a 50th Commemoration of Vietnam Veterans Pin and Presidential Proclamation.
Fred Robinson, Veterans Advisory Council Co-Chair and Tommie Maldonado, Orange County Government Veterans Affairs Officer will present the pin to veterans.
There will also be 50th Commemoration of Vietnam Veterans Pin for surviving spouses.
This Vietnam Veterans Day event is being hosted by 50th Commemoration of Vietnam Veterans National Partners; VA Medical Center, Orange County Mayor’s Veterans Advisory Council, City of Orlando Mayor’s Veterans Advisory Council, Vitas Healthcare, Orange County Veterans Service Office and Vietnam Unforgettable Memories Foundation.
WHAT: To adhere to CDC, State and Local COVID19 health protocol, this will be an outdoor drive-thru ceremony.
WHEN: March 26, 2021 | 1 – 3 pm
WHERE: Lake Baldwin VA Medical Center, 5201 Raymond Street, Orlando, FL 32803
For media interviews please email
For information about The United Sates of America Vietnam War Commemoration
About Orange County Government: Orange County Government strives to serve its residents and guests with integrity, honesty, fairness and professionalism. Located in Central Florida, Orange County includes 13 municipalities and is home to world-famous theme parks, one of the nation’s largest convention centers and a thriving life science research park. Seven elected members make up the Board of County Commissioners, including the Mayor, who is elected countywide. For more information, please visit or go to Orange County Government’s social media channels.