Mayor Jerry L. Demings Invites Media to New Conservation Property | Visit Part of Earth Day Celebration
WHAT: To celebrate Earth Day and Orange County’s commitment to protecting natural resources, Mayor Jerry L. Demings will visit one of the new conservation properties acquired as part of the expansion of the Green PLACE (Park Land Acquisition for Conservation and Environmental Protection) Program. Mayor Demings will discuss progress toward the County’s goal to preserve an additional 23,000 acres of environmentally sensitive lands by 2030, and highlight the series of Earth Week events being held in anticipation of Earth Day 2023.
- Jerry L. Demings, Orange County Mayor
- Emily Bonilla, Orange County District 5 Commissioner
- David Jones, Manager, Orange County Environmental Protection Div.
- Beth Jackson, Green PLACE Program Supervisor, Orange County Environmental Protection Div.
*Spanish speakers from Environmental Protection also available to the media.
WHEN: Friday, April 21, 2023 | 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Dell Green PLACE Property
22 NW Christmas Road, Christmas, FL 32709
Signage will direct attendees to grassy parking areas.
MORE INFO: The Dell property was acquired for its potential to expand the trail system on the adjacent Savage Christmas Creek Preserve, to help close wildlife corridor gaps, protect water resources and add to Green PLACE’s inventory of mesic and wet flatwoods communities.
Several volunteer groups will be on site that morning carrying out land restoration activities. In addition, there will be educational materials, observation of a gopher tortoise burrow and an optional mini hike.
About Orange County Government: Orange County Government strives to serve its residents and guests with integrity, honesty, fairness and professionalism. Located in Central Florida, Orange County includes 13 municipalities and is home to world-famous theme parks, one of the nation’s largest convention centers and a thriving life science research park. Seven elected members make up the Board of County Commissioners, including the Mayor, who is elected countywide. For more information, please visit or go to Orange County Government’s social media channels.