Fifth Annual Summit on Puerto Rican Affairs Brings Leaders Together
Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs recently spoke at the Summit on Puerto Rican Affairs. The Summit, which celebrated its fifth year, brings leaders, entrepreneurs and corporate executives together to discuss economic opportunities and recognize the region’s Puerto Rican community. The Dynamic Community Development Corporation (CDC) organized the event and emphasized its theme of “Building Tomorrow’s Leaders Today.”
The two-day event promoted economic, social, and political empowerment while highlighting the strong cultural and commercial ties between Central Florida and Puerto Rico. With the goal of advancing trade and tourism between both markets, the Summit agenda included networking opportunities and interactive workshops with business executives and government representatives.
“Mayor Jacobs has attended the summit every year and supports increased business and commerce between the markets of Puerto Rico and Florida,” said Summit organizer Luis De Rosa. “The Summit contributes to business growth and job creation in the region.”
Orange County consists of a richly diverse community, with almost a third of its population composed by citizens of Hispanic descent. In Central Florida, over 300,000 Puerto Ricans call the region home and have made great contributions to the area’s economic vitality as entrepreneurs and community leaders.
“It is so fitting for this Summit to be celebrated here in Orange County. The Puerto Rican community has given so much to our region in the fields of education, the arts, business enterprise and public service,” Mayor Jacobs said. “We are proud of the many leaders and entrepreneurs that help make Central Florida the ideal market for the introduction of products from Puerto Rico.”
A variety of photos from the event is available for use by the media and are located on Flickr.