Orange County Curfew To Take Effect Sunday, Sept. 10 At 7 P.M.
In an effort to ensure safety, Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs, in her official capacity as Director of Emergency Management, which includes unincorporated and incorporated areas of Orange County, will issue a mandatory countywide curfew to be in effect from Sunday, September 10 at 7 p.m. through Monday, September 11 at 6 p.m. This curfew will not apply to emergency responders, employees at hospital and health care facilities and critical staff for businesses that provide essential commodities and services.
Additional updates include:
As of 9 a.m. Saturday morning, Orange County opened shelters for the general population, including pet-friendly shelters. Currently, Orange County has a total of 19 shelters open. New shelters that have opened today include Union Park Middle School, Conway Middle School and Apopka Middle School. Apopka High School and Colonial High School shelters are at capacity. Barnett Park is at 80 percent capacity.
As of 8 p.m. today, there have been 2,289 individuals checked in at our Orange County shelters.
LYNX is offering free transportation to any Orange County shelter. For questions, contact GoLynx.com or call LYNX’s customer service line at 407-841-5969.
A list of those shelters with information on what to bring to the shelters can be found at ocfl.net/Shelters or call 311.
The primary threat of the storm is wind, which is why Orange County residents in mobile homes are under a mandatory evacuation and should seek safe shelter.
Since Friday, Orange County Fire Rescue has had teams going door-to door with informational fliers to mobile home parks to inform them that there is a mandatory evacuation. Fire Rescue has already contacted 4,936 mobile homes as of 2 p.m. today. There has been a 100 percent saturation on the east side and Fire Rescue is continuing outreach on the west side. They will continue door-to-door outreach from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. tomorrow.
Orange County Fire Rescue is also sending out an emergency alert text message to those residents.
For official Orange County emergency information, please visit www.ocfl.net/Irma.