Backyard Chicken Keeping Permits: What Orange County Residents Need to Know
On August 10, 2021 the Board of County Commissioners passed a Residential Backyard Chicken Keeping Ordinance to make a permit available to residents who are interested in egg production for home consumption. The Ordinance goes into effect on November 1, 2021, and applies to select single-family and mobile home residential zoning districts – detached, owner-occupied units. Participation in the program requires a $57 permit, site plan requirements and proof of training. There are only a total of 130 permits available for unincorporated Orange County, which will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis.
Frequently Asked Questions last updated on 8/19/2021.
Here are helpful answers to some other frequently asked questions:
Q: Based on the Ordinance, what are the basic criteria for having residential backyard chickens?
A: The basic criteria laid out in the Ordinance include: permit required; up to four (4) chickens for personal egg consumption; no sales of any kind allowed; no roosters or other poultry allowed; no onsite breeding, slaughtering or consumption of chickens; proof of training required from UF/IFAS Extension Orange County; coop and pen standards required; and care and keeping standards required.
Q: What are some other Ordinance standards and requirements?
A: Other standards and requirements include: access to food and water at all times; feed kept in rodent- and wildlife-proof feeder and container when stored; composting allowed with 20 ft. setback; chickens kept under custody and control of resident if outside pen area; unwanted chickens must go to a farm or agribusiness accepting chickens; follow FL Statute 823.041 and Florida Administrative Code Section 62-701.520(5)(a) and (c), for deceased chickens; and, if Ordinance repealed, 10-year allowance for permittees to remove chickens, coop and pen area.
Q: Where are permits allowed?
A: The Ordinance allows for chickens in owner-occupied detached Single-Family Residential and Mobile Home districts, including R-1AAAA, R-1AAA, R-1AA, R-1A, R-1, R-2, R-3, RT-1, RT-2, R-L-D, NR, NAC and NC. You can go to the Property Appraiser’s Website to see the zoning for your parcel.
Q: Does the Ordinance override private covenants and restrictions, such as within HOA’s or PD’s?
A: No. You must comply with the private covenants and restrictions of HOAs and Planned Developments.
Q: What if I am a renter?
A: At this time, the permit is available to owner-occupied residences on properly zoned properties only. No renters are permitted to have backyard chickens.
Q: What is UF/IFAS Extension training and how do I enroll in the training class?
A: The training class is an overview of the basics of keeping backyard chickens. It is offered online as a virtual session. UF/IFAS is the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, which offers this class, as well as many others. You can register at Urban Backyard Chicken Class Pre-Test.
Q: Do I need to complete the training in order to get my permit?
A: Yes. A certificate will be required as proof of completed training to be uploaded as part of the application for the permit.
For up-to-date information regarding the ordinance, keep checking back to these Frequently Asked Questions.