
English for Speakers of Other Languages Pilot Program Helping Employees and Employers in I-Drive Corridor

With low unemployment rates and visitors returning to the community after the COVID-19 pandemic, employers in the International Drive corridor are dealing with talent shortages. Orange County’s I-Drive Community Redevelopment Act (CRA) Advisory Group, which guides strategy in the tourism corridor, recommended an investment in English language to support professional growth and retention. The English […]

Orange County Leads the Way in Creating “EPIC” ESOL Pilot for International Drive Hotel Employees

Sadya Pierre has a tough job. For the last five years, she has worked as a housekeeper at the Rosen Centre Hotel on International...

Orange County is a Big Fan of Energy Conservation Efforts

Energy conservation has proven to be an effective way of saving money. For instance, data from Orange County’s Seniors Climate Efficiency Program found residents...

Hurricane Ian: Prepare your Construction Sites

With the continued updates in forecast for Hurricane Ian, flooding rain and high winds are expected to be a major concern in Orange County....

27 Years a Winner! Orange County Procurement Division Honored since 1995

The Orange County Government Procurement Division was recently recognized by the National Procurement Institute with the 2022 Achievement of Excellence in Procurement® Award. The County was...

Mayor Demings Delivers 2022 State of the County Address

On June 10, Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings welcomed citizens and community leaders to the 2022 State of the County address at the...

2022 Orange County Regional Economic Summit: Three Things You Need to Know

The annual Orange County Regional Economic Summit, hosted by Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings, in collaboration with the Orlando Economic Partnership, was held on...

How to Control Invasive Species

Invasive species occur throughout Florida’s landscape in many forms, including plants, animals and insects. They can be aggressive and sometimes out-compete Florida’s native species....

Return to Stable: Fitch Ratings Affirms Orange County’s TDT Revenue Bonds

Following a routine annual credit rating surveillance process, Fitch Ratings (one of the “Big Four” credit rating agencies along with Moody’s, Kroll and Standard...

Going Digital: Procurement Office Introduces New eProcurement Software

Orange County Procurement Office has transitioned to an eProcurement Software Solution platform called OpenGov Procurement intended to make the County’s procurement, contracting and purchasing...