Orange County Government Launches Online Fence Permitting for Homeowners and Contractors
Orange County Government approves up to 4,000 residential fence permits annually. To efficiently serve this high-demand permit type, the County is now offering homeowners and contractors a faster and easier way to apply for fence permits.
Orange County’s Fast Track Member Services now offers access to contractors and homeowners the ability to apply for fence permits online. This is the first online permit application that is available to both contractors and homeowners on Fast Track.
“The rollout of online fence permitting will increase efficiency for this common permit type, which will reduce wait times and increase compliance with our zoning ordinances,” said Chief Planner Christopher Schmidt of Orange County’s Division of Zoning. “This is a significant milestone toward our ultimate goal of offering online permitting for all permit types for Orange County residents and contractors.”
The online fence permit application process is quick and easy. First, simply register for a Fast Track Member Services account. Once you have a Fast Track Member Services account, you may apply for a fence permit. To submit a permit application, login to Fast Track Member Services and click the ‘Menu’ dropdown and then click Apply for a Permit. This release comes after several other significant launches over the past year. In July 2017, the Division of Building Safety announced electronic plan submittals for residential and commercial construction. In June 2018, Fast Track Member Services permitting tools were expanded to provide access to online permit applications for all licensed contractors for most permit types and in July 2018, Orange County announced access to get in line or schedule appointments with Permitting Services remotely.
The goal of a sustainable, digital future for permitting has been championed by Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs. Streamlining the permit process is one of the objectives of the Regulatory Streamlining Taskforce. Mayor Jacobs established the Regulatory Streamlining Task Force to review the County’s permitting regulations and processes, which ultimately supports job growth and economic development by eliminating duplicative regulations, reducing process times and improving customer service.
For more information and or any questions regarding Fast Track, please contact the Division of Building Safety at ContractorLicensing@ocfl.net or visit FastTrack.OCFL.net.