Public Health & Safety

“Day of Giving” Helps Local Homeless who have Mental Illness

On December 16, members of Orange County’s Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) hosted “Day of Giving,” a holiday celebration for the patrons of Pathways Drop-In Center, which is a local organization serving homeless individuals who have mental illness.

Orange County Launches Heroin Task Force

Mayor Teresa Jacobs convened the first Heroin Task Force work session on Monday with Sheriff Jerry L. Demings, Deputy County Administrator of Public Safety...

Orange County Opens Three-Points Maintenance Unit

Orange County Government and its Public Works Division held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Young Pine Road Three-Points Maintenance Unit on July...

Orange County’s Preparation and Response to Potential Mosquito-Borne Illnesses

In Central Florida, mosquito activity increases during the hot, rainy months of the season. With increased activity comes the additional threat of mosquito-borne illnesses,...

Orange County Hurricane Expo Prepares Citizens for Storm Season

Hundreds of citizens learned how to best prepare for the season and received free storm supplies at Orange County’s 2015 Hurricane Expo in June....

Orange County Law Enforcement Ceremony Honors Fallen Heroes

Mayor Teresa Jacobs and community leaders joined regional law-enforcement agencies on May 7 at the Orange County Law Enforcement Memorial Ceremony to honor the...

Orange County Partners with Faith Community to Launch Open Table

Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs announced a new partnership with the faith community on May 4 that will transform the lives of youth at-risk...

Orange County Leaders to Focus Efforts on Child Abuse

Mayor Teresa Jacobs and members of Orange County’s Domestic Violence Commission recently presented key findings on the region’s State of Child Abuse during National...

Addressing Homelessness in Orange County

"For the chronically homeless, and for our families and precious children who are struggling with homelessness, we are committed to creating a better future....

Orange County’s Top 2014 Newsroom Stories

The year 2014 was filled with historic community celebrations that marked Orange County’s extraordinary “Year of Transformation.”