Media Releases

Sustainable Orange County Community Workshops

Our Sustainability Plan, known as “Our Home for Life,” continues our efforts to create a future in which Orange County will be known as the best place in the world to live, work, play and raise a family. This plan focuses on economic, environmental, societal, and cultural factors that will enhance our quality of...

Carrie Hoeppner Proudfit selected as the new Public Relations and Outreach Specialist (P.I.O)

Orange County Corrections Chief Cornita A. Riley announced today that Carrie Hoeppner Proudfit has been selected for the position of Public Relations & Outreach Specialist. Proudfit will be responsible for all internal and external communication efforts on behalf of the Corrections Department, which runs the 3rd largest jail in Florida and the 19th largest jail operations in the...

Orange County Invites Citizens to SunRail Station Celebration

As the region gears up for the launch of SunRail, Central Florida's first passenger rail system, Orange County’s local Sand Lake Road station will be hosting a historic preview celebration on Sunday, March 30 at 1:30 p.m. The event, at 8030 South Orange Ave. Orlando, gives citizens the opportunity to board and tour SunRail...

Pine Castle Celebrates Community History

Since 1974, the town of Pine Castle has been honoring their heritage with a celebration of their history. Pioneer Days is a two-day festival held at Cypress Grove Park filled with demonstrations of original pioneer crafts, exciting historic reenactments, traditional music and storytelling and folk entertainment.